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Fluke 434-II
Catalog #: 4116638
Three-Phase Energy Analyzer

  • Overview
  • Specifications
  • Summary
  • Cases
  • Accessories
  • Current Clamps/Probes

 Discontinued and replaced with Fluke 1773


Product Highlights

  • Energy loss calculator: Classic active and reactive power measurements, unbalance and harmonic power, are quantified to pinpoint true system energy losses in dollars (other local currencies available).
  • Power inverter efficiency: Simultaneously measure AC output power and DC input power for power electronics systems using optional DC clamp.
  • PowerWave data capture: 435 and 437 Series II analyzers capture fast RMS data, show half-cycle and waveforms to characterize electrical system dynamics (generator start-ups, UPS switching etc.).
  • Waveform capture: 435 and 437 Series II models capture 100/120 cycles (50/60Hz) of each event that is detected in all modes, without set-up.
  • Automatic Transient Mode: 435 and 437 Series II analyzers capture 200 kHz waveform data on all phases simultaneously up to 6 kV.
  • Fully Class-A compliant: 435 and 437 Series II analyzers conduct tests according to the stringent international IEC 61000-4-30 Class-A standard.
  • Mains signaling: 435 and 437 Series II analyzers measure interference from ripple control signals at specific frequencies.
  • 400 Hz measurement: 437 Series II analyzer captures power quality measurements for avionic and military power systems.
  • Troubleshoot real-time: Analyze the trends using the cursors and zoom tools.
  • Highest safety rating in the industry: 600 V CAT IV/1000 V CAT III rated for use at the service entrance.
  • Measure all three phases and neutral: With included four flexible current probes with enhanced thin flex designed to fit into the tightest places.
  • Automatic Trending: Every measurement is always automatically recorded, without any set-up.
  • System-Monitor: Ten power quality parameters on one screen according to EN50160 power quality standard.
  • Logger function: Configure for any test condition with memory for up to 600 parameters at user defined intervals.
  • View graphs and generate reports: With included analysis software.
  • Battery life: Seven hours operating time per charge on Li-ion battery pack.

Each Unit Includes

  • BC430 Power Adapter
  • International plug adapter set
  • BP290 (Single capacity Li-ion battery) 28Wh (7 hours or more)
  • TL430 Test lead and Alligator clip set
  • WC100 color coding clips and regional decals
  • i430flex-TF, 24 inch (61cm) length, 4 clamps
  • 8 GB SD card
  • PowerLog on CD (includes operator manuals in PDF format)
  • USB cable A-Bmini
  • C1740 Soft Case
  • ISO 9001 - Statement of Calibration Practices (W/Data)
Technical Data
Voltage inputs
Number of inputs 4 (3 phase + neutral) dc-coupled
Maximum input voltage 1000 Vrms
Nominal voltage range Selectable 1 V to 1000 V
Max. peak measurement voltage 6 kV (transient mode only)
Input impedance 4 MΩ//5 pF
Bandwidth > 10 kHz, up to 100 kHz for transient mode
Scaling 1:1, 10:1, 100:1, 1,000:1 10,000:1 and variable
Current inputs
Number of inputs 4 (3 phase + neutral) dc- or ac-coupled
Type Clamp or current transformer with mV output or i430flex-TF
Range 0.5 Arms to 600 Arms with included i430flex-TF (with sensitivity 10x)
5 Arms to 6000 Arms with included i430flex-TF (with sensitivity 1x)
0.1 mV/A to 1 V/A and custom for use with optional ac or dc clamps
Input impedance 1 MΩ
Bandwidth > 10 kHz
Scaling 1:1, 10:1, 100:1, 1,000:1 10,000:1 and variable
Sampling system
Resolution 16 bit analog to digital converter on 8 channels
Maximum sampling speed 200 kS/s on each channel simultaneously
RMS sampling 5000 samples on 10/12 cycles according to IEC61000-4-30
PLL synchronization 4096 samples on 10/12 cycles according to IEC61000-4-7
Nominal frequency 434-II and 435-II: 50 Hz and 60 Hz
437-II: 50 Hz, 60 Hz and 400 Hz
Display modes
Waveform display Available in all modes via SCOPE key
435-II and 437-II: Default display mode for Transients function
Update rate 5x per second
Displays 4 cycles of waveform data on screen, up to 4 waveforms simultaneously
Phasor diagram Available in all modes via Scope waveform display
Default view for Unbalance mode
Meter readings Available in all modes except Monitor and Transients, provides tabulated view of all available readings
Fully customizable up to 150 readings for Logger mode
Trend graph Available in all modes except Transients
Single vertical cursor with min max and avg reading at cursor position
Bar graph Provides 50/60** cycles of waveform information and associated 1/2 cycle rms values for Volts and Amps
Measurement modes
Scope 4 voltage waveforms, 4 current waveforms, Vrms, Vfund. Arms, A fund, V @ cursor, A @ cursor, phase angles
Volts/amps/hertz Vrms phase to phase, Vrms phase to neutral, Vpeak, V Crest Factor, Arms Apeak, A Crest Factor, Hz
Dips and swells Vrms½, Arms½, Pinst with programmable threshold levels for event detection
Harmonics dc, 1 to 50, up to 9th harmonic for 400 Hz Harmonics Volts, THD, Harmonic Amps, K factor Amps, Harmonic Watts, THd Watts, K factor Watts, Interharmonic
Volts, Interharmonic Amps, Vrms, Arms (relative to fundamental or to total rms)
Power and energy Vrms, Arms, Wfull, Wfund., VAfull, VAfund., VAharmonics, VAunbalance, var, PF, DPF, CosQ, Efficiency factor, Wforward, Wreverse
Energy loss calculator Wfund, VAharmonics, VAunbalance, var, A, Loss Active, Loss Reactive, Loss Harmonics, Loss Unbalance, Loss Neutral, Loss Cost (based upon user defined cost / kWh)
Inverter efficiency (requires optional dc current clamp) Wfull, Wfund, Wdc, Efficiency, Vdc, Adc, Vrms, Arms, Hz
Unbalance Vneg%, Vzero%, Aneg%, Azero%, Vfund, Afund, V phase angles, A phase angles
Inrush Inrush current, Inrush duration, Arms½, Vrms½
Monitor Vrms, Arms, harmonic Volts, THD Volts, PLT, Vrms½, Arms½, Hz, dips, swells, interruptions, rapid voltage changes, unbalance and mains signalling.
All parameters are measured simultaneously in accordance with EN50160 Flagging is applied according to IEC61000-4-30 to indicate unreliable readings due to dips or swells
Flicker (435-II and 437-II only) Pst(1min), Pst, Plt, Pinst, Vrms ½, Arms ½, Hz
Transients (435-II and 437-II only) Transient waveforms 4x Voltage 4x Amps, triggers: Vrms ½, Arms ½, Pinst
Mains Signaling (435-II and 437-II only) Relative signaling voltage and absolute signaling voltage averaged over three seconds for up to two selectable signaling frequencies
Power Wave (435-II and 437-II only) Vrms½, Arms½ W, Hz and scope waveforms for voltage amps and watts
Logger Custom selection of up to 150 PQ parameters measured simultaneously on 4 phases
General specifications
Case Design Rugged, shock proof with integrated protective holster
Drip and dust proof IP51 according to IEC60529 when used in tilt stand position
Shock and vibration Shock 30 g, vibration: 3 g sinusoid, random 0.03 g 2 /Hz according to MIL-PRF-28800F Class 2
Display Brightness: 200 cd/m 2 typ. using power adapter, 90 cd/m 2 typical using battery power
Size: 127 mm x 88 mm (153 mm/6.0 in diagonal) LCD
Resolution: 320 x 240 pixels
Contrast and brightness: user-adjustable, temperature compensated
Memory 8GB SD card (SDHC compliant, FAT32 formatted) standard, upto 32GB optionally
Screen save and multiple data memories for storing data including recordings (dependent on memory size)
Real-time clock Time and date stamp for Trend mode, Transient display, System Monitor and event capture
Operating temperature 0 °C ~ +40 °C; +40 °C ~ +50 °C excl. battery
Storage temperature -20 °C ~ +60 °C
Humidity +10 °C ~ +30 °C: 95 % RH non-condensing
+30 °C ~ +40 °C: 75 % RH non-condensing
+40 °C ~ +50 °C: 45 % RH non-condensing
Maximum operating altitude Up to 2,000 m (6666 ft) for CAT IV 600 V, CAT III 1000 V
Up to 3,000 m (10,000 ft) for CAT III 600 V, CAT II 1000 V
Maximum storage altitude 12 km (40,000 ft)
Electro-Magnetic-Compatibility (EMC) EN 61326 (2005-12) for emission and immunity
Interfaces mini-USB-B, Isolated USB port for PC connectivity
SD card slot accessible behind instrument battery
Warranty Three years (parts and labor) on main instrument, one year on accessories
Phase angle Measurement range: -360° … +360°
Included accessories
Power options BC430 Power Adapter
International plug adapter set
BP290 (Single capacity Li-ion battery) 28Wh (7 hours or more)
Leads TL430 Test lead and Alligator clip set
Color coding WC100 color coding clips and regional decals
Flexible current probes i430flex-TF, 24 inch (61cm) length, 4 clamps
Memory, Software and PC connection 8 GB SD card
PowerLog on CD (includes operator manuals in PDF format)
USB cable A-Bmini
Carrying case C1740 Soft Case for 434-II and 435-II
C437 Hard Case with rollers for 437-II
Type (Power Quality) 3 Phase, Single Phase
Maximum Current AC 6000 A 
Maximum Voltage AC 1000 V
True Power / Work ( W) Yes
Apparent Power (VA) Yes
Reactive Power (VAR) Yes
Current Input Channels 4
Voltage Input Channels 4
Measurement Frequency (Power Quality) 50 Hz, 60 Hz
Display (Power Quality) Digital, Graphical, Oscilloscope
Alarms No
Transient Capture No
Displays Waveform Yes
Energy Yes
Phasor Diagrams Yes
Power Factor (Power Quality) Yes
Harmonics Yes 
Maximum Harmonics Range 50
Current Clamps Included Yes
Class A Compliant No
Crest Factor Yes
CAT Rating IV 
CAT Voltage Rating (V) 1000V, 600V
GPS Location Yes 
Unique Features Energy Loss Calculator: Classic active and reactive power measurements, unbalance and harmonic power, are quantified to pinpoint the fiscal costs of energy losses.
Troubleshoot Real-Time: Analyze the trends using the cursors and zoom tools.
Highest Safety Rating in the Industry: 600 V CAT IV/1000 V CAT III rated for use at the service entrance.
Measure All Three Phases and Neutral: With included four flexible current probes with enhanced thin flex design to fit into the tightest places.
Automatic Trending: Every measurement is always automatically recorded, without any set-up.
System-Monitor: Ten power quality parameters on one screen according to EN50160 power quality standard.
Logger Function: Configure for any test condition with memory for up to 600 parameters at user defined intervals.
View Graphs and Generate Reports: With included analysis software.
Battery Life: Seven hours operating time per charge on Li-ion battery pack.
Warranty 3 YEARS
Warranty Details Three years (parts and labor) on main instrument, one year on accessories
Calibration Included None
Power Supply Voltage 120V/220V Universal, Battery Powered
Data Logging Yes
Interfaces I/O USB
Storage SD Card 
IP Rating IP51 
Product Weight 15.65 LBS
Product Height 12.72 IN
Product Length 15.75 IN
Product Width 12.2 IN
Shipping Weight 17.22 LBS
Country of Origin Romania
Shipping Height 12.72 IN
Shipping Length 15.75 IN
Shipping Width 12.2 IN
UPC 095969615532
List price:   $0.00
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