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Fluke Calibration 9936A-LST
Catalog #: 2724122
LogWare III, Additional Site License

  • Overview
  • Specifications
  • Summary

Product Highlights

  • Additional Site License
  • Greatly improved performance for database transactions, such as committing downloaded/imported data or querying logged data
  • Option to run LogWare III Client application as a service – does not require user to be logged in
  • Improved and simplified e-mail setup and event configuration
  • Improved e-mail delivery system
  • Option to have graph background color change based on current alarm states for better visual management
  • Option to set alarm warning threshold values allows users to be warned before an alarm is tripped
  • Option to delay of out-of-tolerance alarm indications and e-mails to prevent single OOT readings from tripping alarms
  • Option to perform dew point calculations and display dew point value and statistics
  • Option to sync logger’s internal data logging settings with Real-Time Log Session settings
  • Capability of applying a single location to all readings when importing data
  • Capability of downloading logged data without having to terminate Real-Time Log Session


Software/OS Compatibility Chart-TCAL Software
  Win XP Pro SP3 *Vista SP2e Windows 7 SP1 Server 2003 *Server 2008 / R2
Software 32-Bit 64-Bit 32-Bit 64-Bit 32-Bit 64-Bit 32-Bit 64-Bit 32-Bit 64-Bit
Interface-it (9930) Y N Y1,2 N Y1,2 N X N X N
TableWare (9933) Y N Y1 N Y1 N X N X N
  Y X Y X Y Y X X X X
  Y X Y X Y Y X X X X
  Y X Y X Y Y Y Y Y Y
MET/TEMP II (9938) Y N Y1,2 N Y1,2 N X N X N
IO Toolkit (9940) Y X Y X Y Y X X X X
IR Configuration Utility Y X Y X Y X X X X X
Y - Tested by Fluke. No known issues unless otherwise noted.
X - Not tested by Fluke or not applicable.
N - Software does not support this version of Windows®.
* On-line Help files may not be accessible if you have not installed Microsoft's patch
1 - Software shortcut icons may not appear correctly.
2 - Software may not always work as expected and experience some issues.


Country of Origin United States
List price:   $3,451.22
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