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Fluke Calibration 9190A-DW-156
Catalog #: 4178947

  • Overview
  • Specifications
  • Summary
  • Software
  • Cases
  • Inserts
  • Accessories

Product Highlights

  • Temperature range: -95 °C to 140 °C
  • Built-in reference thermometer readout accuracy: ± 0.05 °C full range
  • Display accuracy: ± 0.2 °C full range
  • Stability: ± 0.015 °C full range
  • Cooling time: 23 °C to -90 °C: 80 minutes; 23 °C to -95 °C: 90 minutes; 140 °C to 23 °C: 60 minutes
  • Portability: Weighs 16 kg (35 lb)
  • Built-in front and back handles for easy two-handed carry
  • Conforms to EURAMET cg-13 guidance on measurement practices for temperature block calibrators
  • All controls and inputs on front panel
  • Stability indicator shows whether block temperature is stable and within limits defined by the user PC interface
  • USB and RS-232 support remote operation from computer
  • Active heater zone control compensates for differential temperatures between zones
  • Minimizes axial temperature gradients
  • Define up to eight set-point temperatures; automatically ramp to and "soak" at each
  • Specify soak time, number of cycles, and direction
  • Fast time to temperature and small footprint
  • Compact, efficient free piston Stirling cooler technology (FPSC)

Each Unit Includes

  • 1 - Power Cord
  • 1 - USB Cable
  • 1 - User Manual CD
  • 1 - 9930 Interface-it Software
  • 1 - Report of Calibration
  • 1 - Well Insulator
  • 1 - Insert Removal Tool
  • 4 - Clamp Ferrites
Base unit specifications
Temperature range at 23 °C –95 °C to 140 °C (–139 °F to 284 °F)
Display accuracy ± 0.2 °C full range
Accuracy with external reference [3] ± 0.05 °C full range
Stability ± 0.015 °C full range
Axial uniformity at 40 mm (1.6  in) ± 0.05 °C full range
Radial gradient ±0.01 °C full range
Loading effect (with a 6.35  mm reference probe  and three  6.35  mm probes)
± 0.006 °C full range
(versus display  with one 6.35  mm probe)
± 0.25 °C at –95 °C
± 0.10 °C at 140 °C
Operating conditions 0 °C to 35 °C, 0 % to 90 %
RH (non-condensing) < 2000 m altitude
Environmental conditions for all specifications except temperature range 13 °C to 33 °C
Immersion (well)  depth 160  mm (6.3 in)
Well diameter 30 mm (1.18 in)
Heating time [1] –95 °C to 140 °C: 40 min
Cooling  time [1] 23 °C to –90 °C: 80 min
23 °C to –95 °C: 90 min
140 °C to 23 °C: 60 min
Stabilization time [2] 15 min
Resolution 0.01  °
Display LCD, °C or °F user selectable
Size (H x W x D) 480  mm x 205  mm x 380  mm (18.8 in x 8.0 in x 14.9  in)
Weight 16 kg (35 lb)
Power requirements 100 V to 115 V (± 10 %) 50/60 Hz, 575 W
200 V to 230 V (± 10 %) 50/60 Hz, 575 W
System fuse ratings 115 V: 6.3 A T 250 V
230 V: 3.15  A T 250 V
4–20 mA Fuse (-P model only) 50 mA F 250 V
Computer interface RS-232, USB Serial, and 9930 interface-it temperature calibration software included
Safety IEC 61010-1, Installation Category II, Pollution degree 2
Electromagnetic environment IEC 61326-1: Basic
Refrigerants R32 (Difluoromethane)
< 20 g, ASHRAE safety group A2L
R704 (Helium)
< 20 g, ASHRAE safety group A1


-P Specifications
Built-in reference thermometer readout accuracy (4-wire reference probe) [3] ± 0.010 °C at –95 °C
± 0.013 °C at –25 °C
± 0.015 °C at 0 °C
± 0.020 °C at 50 °C
± 0.025 °C at 140 °C
Reference resistance range 0 Ω to 400 Ω
Reference resistance accuracy [4] 0 Ω to 42 Ω: ± 0.0025 Ω
42 Ω to 400  Ω: ± 60 ppm of reading
Reference characterizations ITS-90, CVD, IEC-751, resistance
Reference measurement capability 4 wire
Reference probe connection 6-pin din with INFO-CON technology
Built-in RTD thermometer readout accuracy NI-120: ± 0.015 °C at 0 °C
PT-100 (385): ± 0.02 °C at 0 °C
PT-100 (3926):  ± 0.02 °C at 0 °C
PT-100 (JIS): ± 0.02 °C at 0 °C
RTD resistance range 0 Ω to 400 Ω
Resistance accuracy [4] 0 Ω to 25 Ω: ± 0.002 Ω
25 Ω to 400 Ω: ± 80 ppm of reading
RTD characterizations PT-100 (385), (JIS), (3926), NI-120, resistance
RTD measurement capability 2-wire, 3-wire, and 4-wire RTD with jumpers  only
RTD connection 4-terminal input
Built-in TC thermometer readout accuracy [5] Type J: ± 0.70 °C at 140 °C
Type K: ± 0.75 °C at 140 °C
Type T: ± 0.60 °C at 140 °C
Type E: ± 0.60 °C at 140 °C
Type R: ± 1.60  °C at 140  °C
Type S: ± 1.60  °C at 140  °C
Type M: ± 0.65  °C at 140  °C
Type L: ± 0.65  °C at 140  °C
Type U: ± 0.70 °C at 140 °C
Type N: ± 0.75 °C at 140 °C
Type C: ± 1.00 °C at 140 °C
TC millivolt range –10  mV to 75 mV
Voltage accuracy 0.025 % of reading +0.01 mV
Internal cold  junction compensation accuracy ± 0.35 °C (ambient of 13 °C to 33 °C)
TC connection Miniature connectors (ASTM E1684)
Built-in mA readout accuracy 0.02  % of reading + 0.002 mA
mA range Cal 4-22 mA, Spec 4-24 mA
mA connection 2 terminal  input
Loop power function 24 V dc loop power
Built-in electronics temperature coefficient
(0 °C to 13 °C, 33 °C to 50 °C)
± 0.005 % of range  per °C

[1]   For ambient temperature of 23 °C.
[2]   Time from when the SETPOINT is reached to when the unit is with in stability  specification.
[3]   The temperature range  may be limited by the reference probe  connected to the readout.
The built-in reference accuracy  does not include  the sensor  probe  accuracy.  It does not include  the probe  uncertainty or probe  characterization errors.
[4]   Measurement accuracy  specifications apply within  the operating range  and assume 4 wires  for PRTs. With 3-wire RTDs add 0.05  Ωto the measurement accuracy  plus the maximum possible  difference between the resistances of the lead wires.
[5]   The thermocouple input readout is sensitive to EM fields in the frequency range  of 500  MHz to 700  MHz.


Calibration Included Factory Calibration 
Product Weight 38 LBS
ECCN Number EAR99
Country of Origin United States
List price:   $22,981.24
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